

Learn to Play Piano or Keyboard
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Pianoforall™ (Official) - First Lessons Absolutely FREE!

Do you ever think about playing the piano and making everyone in the room amazed by your music? Piano for all could be just what you need, whether you're starting from Begin or trying to get back into it after a break.

Piano for all is an online course that's perfect for anyone who wants to learn the piano. It's got a mix of different things to help you learn, like videos that are fun to watch, ebooks full of useful info, and audio lessons that make you feel like you're right there in the music. And the best part is, you can go at your own speed and practice whenever you have time.

Pianoforall™ Customer Reviews


Sarah D.

As someone who had never played piano before, I was a bit apprehensive about learning as an adult. However, Pianoforall made the process incredibly enjoyable and approachable. The step-by-step lessons broke everything down into easy-to-understand concepts, allowing me to build a solid foundation. I loved how the course focused on teaching rhythms and chords right from the start, enabling me to play actual songs much sooner than I anticipated. Within a couple of months, I was already impressing my friends and family with my newfound skills. Pianoforall reignited my passion for music and gave me the confidence to keep learning and improving. Highly recommended! Thanks, Pianoforall! - Sarah M., stay-at-home mom


David L.

I've always wanted to learn an instrument, but I was worried that taking traditional lessons would be too rigid and intimidating. Pianoforall was the perfect solution! The online platform allowed me to learn at my own pace, and the focus on rhythms and chords made the entire process feel natural and enjoyable. Within a matter of weeks, I was able to play simple melodies, and that early success motivated me to keep practicing. Now, I can confidently perform some of my favorite pop songs for friends and family. Pianoforall has opened up a whole new world of musical expression for me, and I couldn't be happier with my progress. - David L., college student


Lisa M.

As a busy professional, I didn't think I'd have the time or patience to learn the piano. Boy, was I wrong! Pianoforall's well-structured lessons made it easy to fit practice into my hectic schedule. The emphasis on rhythm and chord patterns helped me grasp the fundamentals quickly, and before long, I was playing actual songs that I recognized and loved. The sense of accomplishment was incredible, and the course reignited my creative spark. Now, playing the piano is my favorite way to unwind after a long day at work. Pianoforall is the best investment I've made in myself in years!. - Lisa M., marketing manager

What is Pianoforall™

Piano for all is a piano learning program that teaches people how to play the piano. It was created by Robin Hall, an expert piano teacher. The program uses e-books, video lessons, and audio guides to show students of all ages and skill levels how to read music and play songs on the piano.

Piano for all is different from traditional piano lessons because it allows you to learn at your own pace from home. The lessons start with the very basics for complete beginners. As you progress, you learn chords, rhythms, music theory, and how to play popular songs.

The program aims to make learning the piano fun, easy, and affordable compared to hiring a private piano teacher. With Piano for all, you get lifetime access to the training materials so you can revisit concepts whenever needed. Many students find this online piano course effective for building their piano skills from the ground up.

How Does The Pianoforall™ Work?

The Piano for all program works by providing step-by-step lessons in various formats to teach you how to play the piano. When you sign up, you get access to ebooks, video tutorials, audio guides, and other training materials.

The lessons start from the absolute basics, teaching you proper hand positioning, how to read musical notes, and getting you comfortable with the keys on the piano. As you work through the program, the lessons gradually become more advanced.

You'll learn music theory concepts like chords, rhythms, time signatures, and keys. The video lessons provide close-up views of the instructor's hands on the piano keys so you can follow along easily. The ebooks allow you to read through concepts at your own pace.

In addition to teaching theory and techniques, the Piano for all covers how to play popular songs from different genres like rock, pop, classical, and more. You get access to full song tutorials that break down how to play each section.

The program is self-paced, so you can spend as much or as little time as needed on each lesson. You'll be able to track your progress through the curriculum. The various multimedia formats allow you to learn through reading, watching, listening, and practicing on your own piano or keyboard.

Who created The Pianoforall™

The Piano for all program was created by a man named Robin Hall. Robin is an experienced piano teacher and musician from Ontario, Canada.

Growing up, Robin developed a passion for music and playing the piano at a young age. He started taking piano lessons as a child and continued studying music through university. After graduating, Robin began teaching piano lessons to students of all ages and skill levels.

Over the years of teaching, Robin realized that many students struggled to learn piano through traditional in-person lessons. Some found the lessons too expensive, while others had trouble grasping certain concepts or staying motivated between lessons.

To solve these issues, Robin decided to create an online piano learning program that made piano instruction more affordable, accessible, and effective. Drawing from his decades of experience as a piano teacher, he put together comprehensive video lessons, ebooks, listening guides, and other training materials.

Science Behind The Pianoforall™

The Piano for all program is based on scientific principles about how people effectively learn new skills like playing the piano. The methods used in the training draw from research in areas like cognitive science, instructional design, and multimedia learning.

One key principle is starting with the fundamentals and progressively building up complexity. Lessons begin by teaching musical basics like note reading, rhythms, and proper hand techniques. Only after mastering these foundations do more advanced concepts get introduced. This avoids overwhelming students.

The curriculum also utilizes something called the "segmenting principle." Complex skills like playing a song are broken down into manageable segments or steps. Students master each small segment before recombining them into the overall skill. This step-by-step approach makes difficult tasks more digestible.

Furthermore, each lesson is designed for active practice rather than passive viewing. Students apply new concepts on their own piano while aided by videos, annotations, and listening exercises. This "practice principle" ensures deeper encoding than just observation.

How Pianoforall™ Activate Your Inner Genius

The Piano for all program is designed to help unlock your inner musical genius by teaching you to play piano in a natural and intuitive way. It does this by engaging your brain on multiple levels and allowing you to learn at your own pace.

When you start Piano for all, the lessons begin by firing up the visual and auditory processing parts of your brain. The video demonstrations and audio tracks stimulate these pathways as you watch the instructor's hand movements and listen to how the music should sound.

As you then try to play the piano yourself, Piano for all activates the kinesthetic areas of your brain related to muscle memory and physical skill learning. The hands-on practice reinforces what you saw and heard in the lessons.

Piano for all's multimedia lessons with words, visuals, and audio examples keep your brain engaged. This mulitsensory input helps encode the musical knowledge more deeply compared to just reading or listening alone.

Benefits of The Pianoforall™

Pros & Cons Of Pianoforall™


Easy to understand lessons that start simple and gradually get harder.

Uses different teaching methods like videos, books, and audio to help learn better.

Teaches various musical styles like blues, ballads, jazz, and more.

Much more affordable than private piano lessons.

You can learn at your own pace from home.

Lifetime access so you can review lessons as needed.


No individual interaction or feedback from an instructor.

Requires self-discipline to work through the lessons consistently.

Doesn't provide the motivation that comes from a private teacher.

Money Back Guarantee

The Pianoforall:

When a company offers a 60-day money back guarantee, it means you have 60 days to try their product risk-free. If you are not satisfied for any reason within those 60 days, you can return the product for a full refund.

A 60-day guarantee gives you two whole months to thoroughly evaluate the product or service. This is a generous amount of time to decide if it meets your needs and expectations.

During those 60 days, you can use the product as you normally would. If at any point you feel it is not working out, you can get all of your money back, no questions asked.

How To Use Pianoforall™

Set up a piano or keyboard to practice on. You'll need an instrument to apply the lessons.

Start with the beginner video course. Watch the videos carefully and practice the techniques shown.

Read through the ebook lessons for that same level. The ebooks explain music theory and notation.

Listen to the audio tracks that demonstrate how the music should sound. Follow along with the notes.

Practice playing the songs and exercises repeatedly until you have them down pat. Consistent practice is key.

Once comfortable with the beginner level, move on to the intermediate video course and materials.

Continue progressing through each successive level - intermediate, advanced, etc. Master one before moving ahead.

Use the various learning materials together - watch videos, read books, listen to audio examples.

Take it at your own pace. Go slowly and review lessons as needed before continuing.

Be patient and persistent. Learning an instrument takes regular, diligent practice over time.

The main thing is using all the Piano for all components systematically - videos for demonstrations, ebooks for theory, audio for reinforcement, and your keyboard for hands-on practice. Consistent effort following this method will build your skills.

Who should use Pianoforall™

Piano for all is a piano learning program designed for a wide range of people. It can be a great fit for:

Complete beginners with no prior music experience. Piano for all starts with the absolute basics, so even total novices can follow along easily.

Self-taught learners who want a structured curriculum. The step-by-step lessons provide a clear path for teaching yourself piano systematically.

Lapsed pianists looking to regain skills. Those who played years ago can use Piano for all as an effective refresher course.

Musically inclined kids and teens. The multimedia lessons make it an engaging way for young learners to pick up piano fundamentals.

Hobbyists who play for fun and personal enjoyment. Piano for all caters well to amateur adult learners studying as a casual hobby.

Aspiring musicians on a tight budget. For the cost, it provides high-quality yet affordable training compared to private lessons.

Really, Piano for all can work for anyone motivated to learn piano from the ground up through a self-paced, comprehensive online program. The multi-style teaching appeals to various interests and age groups.

The only prerequisites are having access to a piano or keyboard for practice, some self-discipline, and a desire to persistently work through the curriculum. With those basics covered, Piano for all can aid beginning pianists of all backgrounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PianoForAll and how does it work?

PianoForAll is a bestselling online piano lessons course that teaches you how to play piano step-by-step through video tutorials. Created by award-winning instructor Robin Hall, this comprehensive piano learning program uses a unique “Piano Periodic Table” method to help students of all ages and skill levels master chords, music theory, and popular songs in an easy-to-understand way. With over 200 high-definition video lessons, ebooks, worksheets, and practice tools like jam tracks, PianoForAll provides lifetime access to all the resources you need to learn piano from the comfort of your home at your own pace. Many satisfied students credit this piano course for helping them finally achieve their dream of playing piano confidently.

What styles of piano does PianoForAll cover?

PianoForAll covers a diverse range of musical styles to ensure well-rounded piano skills. The course teaches fundamental techniques for playing classical piano pieces as well as jazz, blues, pop, rock, and gospel styles. With step-by-step video tutorials, you’ll learn chord progressions, rhythms, and playing styles specific to each genre. From mastering Bach and Beethoven to rocking out with contemporary hits, PianoForAll equips you with the versatility to play piano music across genres with confidence. Many students rave about the course’s ability to open up their musical horizons beyond just one style of piano playing.

How many students has Pianoforall helped?

PianoForAll has transformed the piano skills of over half a million students worldwide since its inception. This wildly popular online piano course has helped hundreds of thousands of beginners, as well as struggling and lapsed players, finally master the instrument they love. With its proven teaching methods and comprehensive curriculum, PianoForAll has empowered learners across the globe to read music, play by ear, and perform their favorite songs with confidence. Many rave about how Robin Hall’s easy-to-follow video lessons have turned their dream of becoming a skilled pianist into a reality. The staggering success rate and vast number of satisfied PianoForAll students worldwide is a testament to the program’s effectiveness.

What are some of the fun exercises included in PianoForAll?

PianoForAll keeps learning piano engaging with a variety of fun exercises tailored for different skill levels. Beginners enjoy rhythm games that teach note values throughCall & Response activities set to popular songs. As you progress, you’ll play along with backing tracks across genres like rock, blues, and pop to cement chord progressions and stylings. More advanced students can challenge themselves with “Jam Track Matrices” – improvisation drills for creating melodies over dynamic backing tracks. Other novel exercises include “Piano Periodizer” puzzles that reinforce the course’s unique chord-learning method through pattern recognition. With creative drills like these, PianoForAll ensures developing strong technical skills is always an enjoyable, musicality-building experience.

What do students learn in PianoForAll?

In PianoForAll, students gain a comprehensive piano education through an immersive curriculum. Beginners start by mastering proper hand techniques, reading musical notation, and building a strong foundation in music theory. They then progress to playing major and minor chords, chord progressions, and rhythmic patterns across different genres. More advanced lessons cover playing by ear, improvisation, accompaniment styles, and deconstructing complex chord voicings. Additionally, students learn to perform popular songs from start to finish using both sheet music and instructional videos. By the end, PianoForAll equips learners with the diverse skillset needed to confidently read, write, and play music at an intermediate to advanced level on the piano. The course’s well-rounded approach ensures students become versatile and proficient pianists.

How many eBooks does PianoForAll have?

The PianoForAll program comes with an extensive library of 9 supplemental eBooks to reinforce the video lesson material. These digital books cover essential piano fundamentals like music theory, chord construction, playing techniques, and song learning. The main eBook acts as a comprehensive reference guide spanning over 600 pages with written explanations, exercises, and visual aids. Separate eBooks focus on specific skills such as playing blues and jazz styles, mastering chord theory, and developing sightreading abilities. PianoForAll’s substantial collection of complementary eBooks provides detailed textual instruction that perfectly complements the hands-on video training. With these thorough written resources, students have multiple ways to absorb and retain the wealth of piano knowledge.

What famous classical pieces can you learn to play with PianoForAll?

PianoForAll equips you with the skills to tackle renowned classical piano masterpieces from composers like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin. As you progress through the course, you’ll learn classical techniques for playing beautiful pieces such as Bach’s Prelude in C Major, Beethoven’s Fur Elise, Mozart’s Turkish March, and Chopin’s Nocturne in E-flat Major. Many students rave about finally being able to perform these iconic classical works they’ve admired for years. With PianoForAll’s training in music theory, chord progressions, and notation reading, you gain the foundation to interpret and play complex classical compositions at an advanced level. Mastering these timeless pieces allows you to showcase your hard-earned classical piano prowes

Why is PianoForAll different from other piano methods?

PianoForAll is different because it offers a unique and comprehensive approach to learning piano. Unlike traditional methods that focus solely on sheet music and theory, PianoForAll teaches you how to play by ear, improvise, and play popular styles like blues, jazz, and ballads. With a combination of ebooks, videos, and audio lessons, PianoForAll makes learning piano fun, easy, and accessible for everyone.

I am a complete beginner. Will PianoForAll be too hard for me?

Not at all! PianoForAll is perfect for complete beginners. The course starts with the very basics, teaching you how to read music, play simple chords, and get comfortable with the keyboard. With step-by-step instructions and plenty of practice exercises, PianoForAll makes learning piano easy and enjoyable, even if you’ve never played before.

I can read piano sheet music already – what else will PianoForAll teach me?

While PianoForAll covers the basics of reading sheet music, it also teaches you how to play by ear, improvise, and develop your own unique style. You’ll learn how to play popular styles like blues, jazz, and ballads, as well as how to accompany other musicians and play along with your favorite songs.

What age group is PianoForAll suited to? Are these adult beginner piano lessons?

PianoForAll is suitable for students of all ages, from children to adults. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience playing piano, PianoForAll has something to offer. The course is designed to be accessible and easy to follow, making it perfect for adult beginners who want to learn at their own pace.

How many hours will I need to practice each day?

The amount of time you need to practice each day depends on your goals and schedule. PianoForAll recommends practicing for at least 20-30 minutes each day to see progress, but you can practice more if you have the time and desire. The important thing is to practice consistently and stay committed to your learning.

How long before I sound good?

With PianoForAll, you’ll start sounding good right away! The course is designed to get you playing real music from day one, so you’ll be amazed at how quickly you progress. With regular practice and dedication, you’ll be playing your favorite songs with confidence in no time.

Does it matter if I learn on a piano or a keyboard?

No, it doesn’t matter if you learn on a piano or a keyboard. PianoForAll is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your instrument. Whether you have a traditional piano or a keyboard, you can still learn and progress with PianoForAll. The important thing is to practice regularly and stay committed to your learning journey.

Is PianoForAll good for beginners?

Absolutely! PianoForAll is renowned for its beginner-friendly approach. It uses simple language and step-by-step instructions, making it easy for anyone to start learning the piano.

How much does PianoForAll cost?

The cost of PianoForAll varies depending on any ongoing promotions or discounts. However, it’s generally quite affordable compared to traditional piano lessons or other online courses.

How long does it take to finish PianoForAll?

The time it takes to complete PianoForAll can vary from person to person depending on factors like practice consistency and individual learning pace. However, many learners find that they can make significant progress within a few months of dedicated practice.

How good is PianoForAll?

PianoForAll has received high praise from beginners and experienced pianists alike. Its structured lessons, diverse range of styles, and interactive approach make it a highly effective and enjoyable way to learn piano.

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Once you have clicked the "Buy Now" button that is right below this text, you will be taken to the secure checkout page. Just enter your information, and you will then be given instant access to the entire Pianoforall.

How Secure Is My Payment Information on Your Website?

At PianoForAll, we take your online security and privacy seriously. When you make a purchase from us, you can be confident that your sensitive payment information is safe and secure. We use the latest encryption technology to protect your credit card details and ensure a safe transaction process.

Moreover, PianoForAll is partnered with Clickbank, a trusted and reputable online payment processor with extensive experience in handling secure transactions. With Clickbank’s excellent reputation and track record, you can trust that your purchase is protected.


At PianoForAll, we believe in the quality of our product. That’s why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee on all our packages. If you’re not completely satisfied with PianoForAll for any reason, just contact us within 60 days of purchase, and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we want you to feel confident about your purchase.

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